# GeoRide Home assistant ![Logo GeoRide](https://brands.home-assistant.io/georide/logo.png) ⚠️ This is not an official implementation [![hacs_badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/HACS-Default-orange.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://github.com/custom-components/hacs) [![License: GPL v3](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg?style=for-the-badge)](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0) [![install_badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=41BDF5&logo=home-assistant&label=integration%20usage&suffix=%20installs&cacheSeconds=15600&url=https://analytics.home-assistant.io/custom_integrations.json&query=$.georide.total)](https://analytics.home-assistant.io/) Official GeoRide website: https://georide.fr/ ## Description This component add some sensor for GeoRide Tracker ### What's entity is available : Get GeoRide position Get GeoRide lock status Change GeoRide lock status Get stollen status Get crashed status Get is owner status Get subsription status Get odomoter to km an m (2 entities) Internal battery (of georide 3) (not work on GR1) External battery (of the bike) (not work on GR1) Fixtime (last registered positition of the georide) ### What's events are available: you can filter by data.device_id == XX (XX is your tracker id) you can display your tracker name by by data.device_name event; georide_position_event georide_lock_event georide_device_event georide_alarm_event you can filter with data.type == 'alarm_vibration' to filter by vibration here is the alarm type available: (listen the georide_alarm_event) alarm_vibration alarm_exitZone alarm_crash alarm_crashParking alarm_deviceOffline alarm_deviceOnline alarm_powerCut alarm_powerUncut alarm_batteryWarning alarm_temperatureWarning alarm_magnetOn alarm_magnetOff alarm_sonorAlarmOn ## Question: ### How to have the odometer in Km ? (Deprecated, now you have an entity - thx @Inervo) Simply add a sensor like this in configuration.yaml (Replace XX by your tracker id) ```yaml sensor: - platform: template # Conversion georide de m en km sensors: odometer_XX_km: friendly_name: "Odometter - Km" value_template: "{{ states.sensor.odometer_XX.state | multiply(0.001) | round(3, 'flour') }}" unit_of_measurement: 'Km' ``` ### How to use the event: Simply made a automation like this: ```yaml alias: '[TEST] Send notification' description: '' trigger: - platform: event event_type: georide_lock_event condition: [] action: - service: notify.mobile_app_oneplus_a3003 data: message: 'The device {{ data.device_name }} have recieved a lock event' mode: single ``` ## Options | Name | Type | Requirement | `default` Description | ---- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | email | string | **Required** | GeoRide email | password | string | **Required** | GeoRide password ## Installation ### Option 1 - Just folow the integration config steps. ### Option 2 - Add the folowing line in your configuration.yml ```yaml georide: email: @exmple.com password: ```