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14a2c78fb2 | 9 years ago |
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Bonjour je suis cool !
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Copyright (c) 2011, Joe Prince, Admix Designs (,
with Reserved Font Names "Varela" and "Varela Round".
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership with others.
The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives, however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may include source files, build scripts and documentation.
"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the copyright statement(s).
"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting, or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a new environment.
"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify, redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font Software, subject to the following conditions:
1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled, redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as presented to the users.
4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written permission.
5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole, must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply to any document created using the Font Software.
This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are not met.
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372.019 278.18 330.078 328.66 330.078 c 362.559 330.078 393.176 348.808
409.219 379.16 c 375.891 392.672 l 366.172 373.379 348.281 361.504 328.66
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298.637 485.644 328.66 485.644 c 349.047 485.644 367.562 472.836 376.98
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465.726 398.645 464.211 392.551 461.761 c 383.785 458.242 378.785 454.465
377.344 452.621 c h
378.676 447.316 m 375.086 447.316 372.844 448.375 372.004 450.465 c 369.094
457.73 388.391 465.718 390.602 466.609 c 397.375 469.328 404.078 470.953
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467.047 415.73 465.816 415.066 464.261 c 413.094 459.636 403.891 454.582
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446.258 560.375 m 388.336 498.054 l 387.352 496.996 387.414 495.343 388.473
494.363 c 388.973 493.894 389.609 493.664 390.25 493.664 c 390.949 493.664
391.648 493.945 392.16 494.5 c 450.406 557.172 l 449.691 559.238 448.91
561.058 446.258 560.375 c f
219.859 569.386 m 223.504 569.386 l 225.758 569.386 227.188 571.031 227.188
573.172 c 227.188 575.32 225.758 576.961 223.504 576.961 c 219.859 576.961
l h
214.496 578.89 m 214.496 580.574 215.496 581.683 217.285 581.683 c 223.613
581.683 l 228.867 581.683 232.762 578.25 232.762 573.14 c 232.762 567.918
228.723 564.668 223.824 564.668 c 219.859 564.668 l 219.859 558.804 l 219.859
557.019 218.715 556.015 217.18 556.015 c 215.641 556.015 214.496 557.019
214.496 558.804 c 214.496 578.89 l f
238.945 579.109 m 238.945 580.894 240.09 581.894 241.625 581.894 c 243.164
581.894 244.309 580.894 244.309 579.109 c 244.309 561.164 l 250.668 561.164
l 252.492 561.164 253.277 559.804 253.242 558.59 c 253.172 557.414 252.242
556.23 250.668 556.23 c 241.734 556.23 l 239.98 556.23 238.945 557.375
238.945 559.164 c 238.945 579.109 l f
265.039 566.168 m 271.828 566.168 l 268.504 576.535 l 268.43 576.535 l
264.645 579.144 m 265.25 580.785 266.648 582.109 268.469 582.109 c 270.363
582.109 271.688 580.859 272.293 579.144 c 279.297 559.699 l 279.512 559.129
279.586 558.625 279.586 558.379 c 279.586 556.98 278.441 556.015 277.117
556.015 c 275.617 556.015 274.867 556.804 274.508 557.875 c 273.438 561.238
l 263.5 561.238 l 262.43 557.91 l 262.07 556.804 261.32 556.015 259.852
556.015 c 258.426 556.015 257.207 557.09 257.207 558.519 c 257.207 559.09
257.387 559.519 257.457 559.699 c 264.645 579.144 l f
286.848 576.75 m 282.949 576.75 l 281.234 576.75 280.52 578 280.52 579.215
c 280.52 580.465 281.414 581.683 282.949 581.683 c 296.102 581.683 l 297.645
581.683 298.535 580.465 298.535 579.215 c 298.535 578 297.82 576.75 296.102
576.75 c 292.207 576.75 l 292.207 558.804 l 292.207 557.019 291.062 556.015
289.527 556.015 c 287.988 556.015 286.848 557.019 286.848 558.804 c 286.848
576.75 l f
304.289 578.57 m 304.289 580.359 305.184 581.683 307.078 581.683 c 315.941
581.683 l 317.656 581.683 318.48 580.465 318.48 579.215 c 318.48 578 317.621
576.75 315.941 576.75 c 309.652 576.75 l 309.652 571.531 l 315.516 571.531
l 317.266 571.531 318.121 570.312 318.121 569.062 c 318.121 567.847 317.23
566.597 315.516 566.597 c 309.652 566.597 l 309.652 561.164 l 316.262 561.164
l 317.98 561.164 318.801 559.949 318.801 558.699 c 318.801 557.484 317.941
556.23 316.262 556.23 c 307.043 556.23 l 305.469 556.23 304.289 557.304
304.289 558.914 c 304.289 578.57 l f
325.414 578.89 m 325.414 580.359 326.414 581.683 328.199 581.683 c 337.352
581.683 l 338.926 581.683 339.746 580.465 339.746 579.215 c 339.746 578
338.957 576.75 337.352 576.75 c 330.773 576.75 l 330.773 571.531 l 336.312
571.531 l 338.027 571.531 338.887 570.312 338.887 569.097 c 338.887 567.847
338.027 566.597 336.312 566.597 c 330.773 566.597 l 330.773 558.804 l 330.773
557.019 329.633 556.015 328.094 556.015 c 326.559 556.015 325.414 557.019
325.414 558.804 c 325.414 578.89 l f
363.871 568.957 m 363.871 573.281 361.621 577.175 357.152 577.175 c 352.684
577.175 350.434 573.281 350.434 568.957 c 350.434 564.593 352.613 560.734
357.152 560.734 c 361.691 560.734 363.871 564.593 363.871 568.957 c h
344.855 568.957 m 344.855 576.39 349.859 582.109 357.152 582.109 c 364.336
582.109 369.445 576.211 369.445 568.957 c 369.445 561.558 364.48 555.804
357.152 555.804 c 349.895 555.804 344.855 561.558 344.855 568.957 c f
381.598 570.422 m 385.281 570.422 l 387.246 570.422 388.605 571.601 388.605
573.605 c 388.605 575.64 387.246 576.75 385.281 576.75 c 381.598 576.75
l h
376.238 578.89 m 376.238 580.609 377.203 581.683 378.988 581.683 c 385.281
581.683 l 390.785 581.683 394.18 579.215 394.18 573.605 c 394.18 569.672
391.215 567.422 387.57 566.847 c 393.645 560.343 l 394.148 559.804 394.359
559.269 394.359 558.769 c 394.359 557.375 393.25 556.015 391.68 556.015
c 391.035 556.015 390.18 556.265 389.605 556.945 c 381.672 566.562 l 381.598
566.562 l 381.598 558.804 l 381.598 557.019 380.457 556.015 378.918 556.015
c 377.379 556.015 376.238 557.019 376.238 558.804 c 376.238 578.89 l f
403.293 579.144 m 403.508 580.429 404.902 581.894 406.797 581.894 c 408.582
581.894 409.98 580.609 410.371 579.324 c 414.59 565.168 l 414.66 565.168
l 418.879 579.324 l 419.273 580.609 420.668 581.894 422.453 581.894 c 424.348
581.894 425.738 580.429 425.953 579.144 c 429.277 559.199 l 429.316 558.984
429.316 558.769 429.316 558.59 c 429.316 557.019 428.172 556.015 426.742
556.015 c 424.918 556.015 424.203 556.84 423.953 558.519 c 421.844 573.066
l 421.773 573.066 l 417.484 558.09 l 417.234 557.234 416.555 556.015 414.625
556.015 c 412.695 556.015 412.016 557.234 411.766 558.09 c 407.477 573.066
l 407.402 573.066 l 405.297 558.519 l 405.043 556.84 404.332 556.015 402.508
556.015 c 401.078 556.015 399.934 557.019 399.934 558.59 c 399.934 558.769
399.934 558.984 399.969 559.199 c 403.293 579.144 l f
436.355 578.57 m 436.355 580.359 437.25 581.683 439.145 581.683 c 448.008
581.683 l 449.727 581.683 450.547 580.465 450.547 579.215 c 450.547 578
449.688 576.75 448.008 576.75 c 441.719 576.75 l 441.719 571.531 l 447.582
571.531 l 449.332 571.531 450.191 570.312 450.191 569.062 c 450.191 567.847
449.297 566.597 447.582 566.597 c 441.719 566.597 l 441.719 561.164 l 448.328
561.164 l 450.047 561.164 450.867 559.949 450.867 558.699 c 450.867 557.484
450.008 556.23 448.328 556.23 c 439.109 556.23 l 437.535 556.23 436.355
557.304 436.355 558.914 c 436.355 578.57 l f
20.943834 0 0 20.943834 113.673005 416.446627 Tm
/f-0-0 1 Tf
6.906 398.105 m 4.523 392.59 l 9.293 392.59 l 6.906 398.105 l 6.906 402.047
m 13.723 386.468 l 11.789 386.468 l 9.844 391.062 l 3.988 391.062 l 2.047
386.468 l 0.109 386.468 l 6.906 402.047 l f
16.312 394.511 m 14.594 394.511 l 14.594 395.832 l 16.312 395.832 l 16.312
399.609 l 17.949 399.609 l 17.949 395.832 l 19.668 395.832 l 19.668 394.511
l 17.949 394.511 l 17.949 386.468 l 16.312 386.468 l 16.312 394.511 l f
29.113 392.211 m 29.113 392.605 29.039 392.965 28.891 393.285 c 28.746
393.605 28.543 393.883 28.285 394.113 c 27.793 394.562 27.117 394.789 26.258
394.789 c 25.488 394.789 24.844 394.558 24.324 394.093 c 23.812 393.629
23.508 393 23.414 392.211 c 29.113 392.211 l 30.836 390.91 m 23.414 390.91
l 23.414 390.765 l 23.414 389.769 23.699 388.961 24.273 388.34 c 24.848
387.718 25.594 387.41 26.516 387.41 c 27.141 387.41 27.707 387.574 28.203
387.898 c 28.703 388.234 29.152 388.75 29.555 389.445 c 30.773 388.625
l 30.301 387.789 29.703 387.148 28.973 386.711 c 28.242 386.281 27.395 386.066
26.434 386.066 c 25.02 386.066 23.871 386.539 22.984 387.48 c 22.098 388.422
21.652 389.656 21.652 391.187 c 21.652 392.652 22.09 393.855 22.961 394.789
c 23.836 395.722 24.957 396.191 26.332 396.191 c 27.715 396.191 28.812
395.746 29.617 394.859 c 30.43 393.972 30.836 392.761 30.836 391.226 c 30.836
390.91 l f
34.281 402.332 1.637 -15.863 re f
39.941 400.347 m 39.941 400.652 40.051 400.922 40.277 401.156 c 40.508
401.394 40.789 401.511 41.117 401.511 c 41.43 401.511 41.703 401.398 41.934
401.164 c 42.168 400.933 42.285 400.652 42.285 400.328 c 42.285 400.019
42.172 399.75 41.945 399.519 c 41.719 399.285 41.445 399.168 41.117 399.168
c 40.797 399.168 40.52 399.281 40.289 399.508 c 40.055 399.734 39.941 400.011
39.941 400.347 c 40.316 386.468 m 40.316 395.832 l 41.934 395.832 l 41.934
386.468 l 40.316 386.468 l f
52.918 392.211 m 52.918 392.605 52.84 392.965 52.691 393.285 c 52.547 393.605
52.348 393.883 52.086 394.113 c 51.598 394.562 50.922 394.789 50.059 394.789
c 49.289 394.789 48.645 394.558 48.125 394.093 c 47.613 393.629 47.309
393 47.215 392.211 c 52.918 392.211 l 54.637 390.91 m 47.215 390.91 l 47.215
390.765 l 47.215 389.769 47.5 388.961 48.074 388.34 c 48.648 387.718 49.395
387.41 50.316 387.41 c 50.945 387.41 51.508 387.574 52.004 387.898 c 52.504
388.234 52.953 388.75 53.355 389.445 c 54.574 388.625 l 54.102 387.789
53.504 387.148 52.773 386.711 c 52.043 386.281 51.195 386.066 50.234 386.066
c 48.82 386.066 47.672 386.539 46.785 387.48 c 45.898 388.422 45.453 389.656
45.453 391.187 c 45.453 392.652 45.891 393.855 46.766 394.789 c 47.637
395.722 48.762 396.191 50.133 396.191 c 51.516 396.191 52.613 395.746 53.418
394.859 c 54.23 393.972 54.637 392.761 54.637 391.226 c 54.637 390.91 l
58.023 386.468 m 58.023 395.832 l 59.445 395.832 l 59.445 393.886 l 59.875
394.691 60.332 395.269 60.816 395.617 c 61.301 395.972 61.891 396.148 62.586
396.148 c 62.797 396.148 62.984 396.133 63.141 396.097 c 63.199 396.09
63.273 396.078 63.355 396.058 c 63.441 396.043 63.551 396.011 63.672 395.965
c 63.141 394.523 l 63.043 394.558 62.965 394.582 62.902 394.593 c 62.848
394.609 62.742 394.629 62.578 394.656 c 62.418 394.691 62.277 394.707 62.148
394.707 c 61.309 394.707 60.672 394.398 60.242 393.785 c 59.82 393.179
59.609 392.261 59.609 391.031 c 59.609 386.468 l 58.023 386.468 l f
80.66 388.687 m 80.66 386.824 l 80.242 386.578 79.766 386.39 79.227 386.261
c 78.961 386.199 78.688 386.152 78.406 386.121 c 78.129 386.086 77.832
386.066 77.516 386.066 c 76.07 386.066 74.902 386.523 74.016 387.441 c 73.137
388.359 72.695 389.57 72.695 391.062 c 72.695 392.558 73.152 393.781 74.066
394.738 c 74.98 395.691 76.152 396.172 77.578 396.172 c 78.102 396.172
78.613 396.117 79.102 396.008 c 79.602 395.906 80.066 395.742 80.496 395.527
c 80.496 393.804 l 80.285 393.941 80.082 394.054 79.891 394.144 c 79.699
394.238 79.477 394.328 79.227 394.41 c 78.797 394.554 78.352 394.625 77.895
394.625 c 76.852 394.625 76.008 394.293 75.367 393.633 c 74.73 392.976
74.414 392.105 74.414 391.011 c 74.414 390.054 74.73 389.25 75.367 388.597
c 76 387.949 76.805 387.625 77.773 387.625 c 78.258 387.625 78.727 387.707
79.184 387.871 c 79.648 388.039 80.141 388.312 80.66 388.687 c f
84.793 391.125 m 84.793 390.136 85.121 389.297 85.785 388.605 c 86.445
387.925 87.25 387.582 88.191 387.582 c 89.117 387.582 89.91 387.925 90.566
388.605 c 91.227 389.297 91.559 390.136 91.559 391.125 c 91.559 392.101
91.23 392.933 90.574 393.621 c 89.918 394.316 89.125 394.664 88.191 394.664
c 87.25 394.664 86.445 394.324 85.785 393.64 c 85.121 392.961 84.793 392.121
84.793 391.125 c 83.094 391.125 m 83.094 391.812 83.215 392.461 83.461
393.07 c 83.715 393.675 84.082 394.218 84.566 394.695 c 85.051 395.175 85.605
395.539 86.234 395.793 c 86.863 396.043 87.516 396.172 88.191 396.172 c
88.871 396.172 89.516 396.043 90.125 395.793 c 90.73 395.547 91.289 395.179
91.793 394.687 c 92.277 394.215 92.645 393.668 92.898 393.047 c 93.152
392.433 93.277 391.793 93.277 391.125 c 93.277 390.441 93.152 389.8 92.898
389.199 c 92.652 388.605 92.285 388.066 91.793 387.582 c 91.309 387.097
90.754 386.726 90.125 386.468 c 89.496 386.199 88.852 386.066 88.191 386.066
c 87.488 386.066 86.828 386.195 86.215 386.445 c 85.605 386.699 85.062
387.066 84.578 387.55 c 84.094 388.043 83.723 388.59 83.473 389.191 c 83.219
389.797 83.094 390.441 83.094 391.125 c f
96.805 402.332 1.641 -15.863 re f
102.844 402.332 1.637 -15.863 re f
115.965 391.062 m 115.965 392.121 115.672 392.968 115.094 393.613 c 114.52
394.261 113.77 394.586 112.84 394.586 c 111.887 394.586 111.137 394.285
110.59 393.683 c 110.051 393.09 109.781 392.265 109.781 391.207 c 109.781
390.082 110.051 389.207 110.59 388.586 c 111.137 387.972 111.906 387.664
112.902 387.664 c 113.852 387.664 114.598 387.961 115.145 388.554 c 115.691
389.156 115.965 389.992 115.965 391.062 c 117.52 395.832 m 117.52 386.468
l 115.965 386.468 l 115.965 388.168 l 115.594 387.492 115.113 386.972 114.52
386.609 c 113.934 386.25 113.281 386.066 112.566 386.066 c 111.227 386.066
110.145 386.527 109.32 387.449 c 108.496 388.371 108.082 389.597 108.082
391.125 c 108.082 392.652 108.48 393.875 109.277 394.789 c 110.078 395.711
111.145 396.172 112.484 396.172 c 113.262 396.172 113.938 395.996 114.508
395.648 c 115.082 395.3 115.555 394.773 115.922 394.074 c 115.922 395.832
l 117.52 395.832 l f
123.199 391.105 m 123.199 390.019 123.473 389.164 124.027 388.547 c 124.586
387.929 125.355 387.625 126.34 387.625 c 127.297 387.625 128.043 387.953
128.582 388.605 c 129.129 389.261 129.402 390.164 129.402 391.308 c 129.402
392.324 129.133 393.125 128.594 393.703 c 128.059 394.289 127.324 394.586
126.391 394.586 c 125.441 394.586 124.672 394.261 124.078 393.621 c 123.492
392.98 123.199 392.14 123.199 391.105 c 121.672 402.332 m 123.258 402.332
l 123.258 394.074 l 123.621 394.773 124.09 395.3 124.672 395.648 c 125.25
395.996 125.922 396.172 126.68 396.172 c 128.016 396.172 129.086 395.711
129.891 394.789 c 130.695 393.875 131.098 392.652 131.098 391.125 c 131.098
389.617 130.691 388.394 129.871 387.461 c 129.051 386.531 127.969 386.066
126.617 386.066 c 125.895 386.066 125.23 386.254 124.629 386.621 c 124.035
386.988 123.559 387.504 123.199 388.168 c 123.199 386.468 l 121.672 386.468
l 121.672 402.332 l f
135.57 391.125 m 135.57 390.136 135.902 389.297 136.562 388.605 c 137.227
387.925 138.027 387.582 138.969 387.582 c 139.898 387.582 140.688 387.925
141.344 388.605 c 142.004 389.297 142.336 390.136 142.336 391.125 c 142.336
392.101 142.008 392.933 141.355 393.621 c 140.699 394.316 139.902 394.664
138.969 394.664 c 138.027 394.664 137.227 394.324 136.562 393.64 c 135.902
392.961 135.57 392.121 135.57 391.125 c 133.871 391.125 m 133.871 391.812
133.992 392.461 134.238 393.07 c 134.492 393.675 134.859 394.218 135.344
394.695 c 135.828 395.175 136.387 395.539 137.012 395.793 c 137.641 396.043
138.293 396.172 138.969 396.172 c 139.652 396.172 140.297 396.043 140.902
395.793 c 141.512 395.547 142.066 395.179 142.57 394.687 c 143.055 394.215
143.426 393.668 143.676 393.047 c 143.93 392.433 144.055 391.793 144.055
391.125 c 144.055 390.441 143.93 389.8 143.676 389.199 c 143.43 388.605
143.062 388.066 142.57 387.582 c 142.086 387.097 141.531 386.726 140.902
386.468 c 140.277 386.199 139.629 386.066 138.969 386.066 c 138.266 386.066
137.605 386.195 136.992 386.445 c 136.387 386.699 135.84 387.066 135.355
387.55 c 134.871 388.043 134.504 388.59 134.25 389.191 c 133.996 389.797
133.871 390.441 133.871 391.125 c f
147.523 386.468 m 147.523 395.832 l 148.945 395.832 l 148.945 393.886 l
149.375 394.691 149.832 395.269 150.316 395.617 c 150.801 395.972 151.395
396.148 152.09 396.148 c 152.301 396.148 152.484 396.133 152.641 396.097
c 152.703 396.09 152.773 396.078 152.855 396.058 c 152.945 396.043 153.051
396.011 153.172 395.965 c 152.641 394.523 l 152.547 394.558 152.469 394.582
152.406 394.593 c 152.352 394.609 152.242 394.629 152.078 394.656 c 151.922
394.691 151.777 394.707 151.648 394.707 c 150.809 394.707 150.176 394.398
149.746 393.785 c 149.32 393.179 149.109 392.261 149.109 391.031 c 149.109
386.468 l 147.523 386.468 l f
162.996 391.062 m 162.996 392.121 162.707 392.968 162.129 393.613 c 161.555
394.261 160.805 394.586 159.875 394.586 c 158.922 394.586 158.172 394.285
157.625 393.683 c 157.086 393.09 156.816 392.265 156.816 391.207 c 156.816
390.082 157.086 389.207 157.625 388.586 c 158.172 387.972 158.941 387.664
159.938 387.664 c 160.887 387.664 161.633 387.961 162.18 388.554 c 162.727
389.156 162.996 389.992 162.996 391.062 c 164.555 395.832 m 164.555 386.468
l 162.996 386.468 l 162.996 388.168 l 162.629 387.492 162.148 386.972 161.555
386.609 c 160.969 386.25 160.316 386.066 159.598 386.066 c 158.262 386.066
157.18 386.527 156.355 387.449 c 155.527 388.371 155.117 389.597 155.117
391.125 c 155.117 392.652 155.516 393.875 156.312 394.789 c 157.113 395.711
158.18 396.172 159.52 396.172 c 160.297 396.172 160.973 395.996 161.543
395.648 c 162.117 395.3 162.59 394.773 162.957 394.074 c 162.957 395.832
l 164.555 395.832 l f
168.953 394.511 m 167.234 394.511 l 167.234 395.832 l 168.953 395.832 l
168.953 399.609 l 170.59 399.609 l 170.59 395.832 l 172.309 395.832 l 172.309
394.511 l 170.59 394.511 l 170.59 386.468 l 168.953 386.468 l 168.953 394.511
l f
174.816 400.347 m 174.816 400.652 174.93 400.922 175.152 401.156 c 175.387
401.394 175.664 401.511 175.992 401.511 c 176.309 401.511 176.578 401.398
176.812 401.164 c 177.043 400.933 177.16 400.652 177.16 400.328 c 177.16
400.019 177.047 399.75 176.82 399.519 c 176.598 399.285 176.32 399.168
175.992 399.168 c 175.672 399.168 175.395 399.281 175.164 399.508 c 174.934
399.734 174.816 400.011 174.816 400.347 c 175.195 386.468 m 175.195 395.832
l 176.812 395.832 l 176.812 386.468 l 175.195 386.468 l f
181.57 386.468 m 181.57 394.511 l 179.77 394.511 l 179.77 395.832 l 181.57
395.832 l 181.57 398.547 l 181.57 400.093 181.762 401.144 182.152 401.699
c 182.543 402.25 183.246 402.527 184.27 402.527 c 184.387 402.527 184.508
402.523 184.629 402.515 c 184.754 402.508 184.898 402.492 185.07 402.465
c 185.246 402.437 185.441 402.386 185.652 402.312 c 185.652 400.652 l 185.457
400.761 185.246 400.847 185.027 400.91 c 184.926 400.937 184.824 400.957
184.723 400.972 c 184.625 400.984 184.516 400.992 184.395 400.992 c 183.922
400.992 183.598 400.84 183.422 400.543 c 183.246 400.242 183.156 399.504
183.156 398.332 c 183.156 395.832 l 185.652 395.832 l 185.652 394.511 l
183.195 394.511 l 183.195 386.468 l 181.57 386.468 l f
0.988235 0.807843 0.0823529 rg
q 1 0 0 -1 0 582.10907 cm
141.352 446.375 m 186.922 446.375 l S Q
q 1 0 0 -1 0 582.10907 cm
141.352 552.906 m 186.922 552.906 l S Q
33.215 108.297 m 45.34 95.593 l 45.34 107.636 l 47.07 107.636 l 47.07 91.386
l 34.949 104.07 l 34.949 92.09 l 33.215 92.09 l 33.215 108.297 l f
52.824 97.039 m 52.824 95.14 53.941 93.347 56 93.347 c 58.125 93.347 59.238
95.058 59.238 97.019 c 59.238 98.957 58.023 100.523 55.98 100.523 c 54.062
100.523 52.824 98.851 52.824 97.039 c h
60.805 92.09 m 59.156 92.09 l 59.156 93.429 l 59.113 93.429 l 58.27 92.355
57.137 91.82 55.773 91.82 c 52.93 91.82 51.137 94.234 51.137 96.914 c 51.137
99.675 52.887 102.05 55.793 102.05 c 57.113 102.05 58.312 101.429 59.113
100.398 c 59.156 100.398 l 59.156 101.781 l 60.805 101.781 l 60.805 92.09
l f
67.156 100.605 m 67.199 100.605 l 67.879 101.535 68.766 102.05 69.961 102.05
c 72.641 102.05 73.262 100.109 73.262 97.84 c 73.262 92.09 l 71.609 92.09
l 71.609 97.554 l 71.609 99.121 71.488 100.523 69.57 100.523 c 67.301 100.523
67.156 98.418 67.156 96.687 c 67.156 92.09 l 65.508 92.09 l 65.508 101.781
l 67.156 101.781 l 67.156 100.605 l f
79.777 92.09 m 78.129 92.09 l 78.129 100.254 l 77.117 100.254 l 77.117
101.781 l 78.129 101.781 l 78.129 105.265 l 79.777 105.265 l 79.777 101.781
l 81.508 101.781 l 81.508 100.254 l 79.777 100.254 l 79.777 92.09 l f
91.344 97.988 m 91.117 99.386 89.941 100.523 88.5 100.523 c 87.074 100.523
85.758 99.386 85.551 97.988 c h
85.469 96.582 m 85.488 94.789 86.766 93.347 88.645 93.347 c 90.047 93.347
90.953 94.191 91.594 95.347 c 92.996 94.543 l 92.066 92.812 90.5 91.82
88.52 91.82 c 85.633 91.82 83.777 94.027 83.777 96.808 c 83.777 99.675 85.449
102.05 88.477 102.05 c 91.594 102.05 93.242 99.472 93.078 96.582 c 85.469
96.582 l f
100.914 99.535 m 100.688 100.05 100.191 100.523 99.594 100.523 c 99.016
100.523 98.398 100.066 98.398 99.449 c 98.398 98.566 99.512 98.234 100.645
97.761 c 101.777 97.285 102.891 96.605 102.891 94.976 c 102.891 93.14 101.406
91.82 99.613 91.82 c 97.984 91.82 96.707 92.75 96.191 94.273 c 97.656 94.894
l 98.066 93.988 98.543 93.347 99.633 93.347 c 100.523 93.347 101.203 93.945
101.203 94.832 c 101.203 96.996 96.832 96.254 96.832 99.308 c 96.832 100.933
98.148 102.05 99.715 102.05 c 100.832 102.05 101.863 101.265 102.293 100.254
c 100.914 99.535 l f
328.551 -0 m 275.188 -0 231.773 44.285 231.773 98.722 c 231.773 153.156
275.188 197.445 328.551 197.445 c 351.816 197.445 374.301 188.898 391.867
173.383 c 392.949 172.425 393.051 170.773 392.098 169.695 c 391.141 168.613
389.488 168.511 388.41 169.465 c 371.797 184.14 350.543 192.218 328.551
192.218 c 278.07 192.218 237 150.277 237 98.722 c 237 47.168 278.07 5.222
328.551 5.222 c 362.449 5.222 393.062 23.957 409.109 54.304 c 375.777 67.816
l 366.062 48.527 348.168 36.652 328.551 36.652 c 298.523 36.652 274.098
64.5 274.098 98.722 c 274.098 132.945 298.523 160.789 328.551 160.789 c
348.934 160.789 367.449 147.984 376.871 127.371 c 377.469 126.058 376.891
124.511 375.582 123.91 c 374.27 123.316 372.719 123.886 372.117 125.199
c 363.559 143.929 346.863 155.566 328.551 155.566 c 301.406 155.566 279.32
130.066 279.32 98.722 c 279.32 67.375 301.406 41.879 328.551 41.879 c 346.855
41.879 363.543 53.515 372.113 72.246 c 372.691 73.515 374.172 74.105 375.469
73.582 c 413.711 58.078 l 414.383 57.804 414.914 57.265 415.172 56.59 c
415.426 55.91 415.395 55.156 415.074 54.504 c 398.527 20.886 365.375 -0
328.551 -0 c f
412.75 139.179 m 411.785 139.179 410.859 139.715 410.406 140.64 c 408.809
143.883 407.008 147.062 405.047 150.097 c 404.27 151.308 404.617 152.925
405.828 153.707 c 407.039 154.488 408.656 154.144 409.441 152.929 c 411.504
149.726 413.41 146.367 415.094 142.945 c 415.73 141.652 415.195 140.086
413.902 139.449 c 413.531 139.265 413.137 139.179 412.75 139.179 c f
415.172 56.476 m 413.949 53.441 403.613 54.73 392.082 59.359 c 380.547
63.992 372.191 70.207 373.41 73.242 c 374.633 76.281 384.969 74.988 396.5
70.363 c 408.031 65.734 416.395 59.515 415.172 56.476 c f
377.23 127.769 m 377.555 127.722 377.988 127.683 378.562 127.683 c 382.324
127.683 388.449 129.207 394.547 131.652 c 403.316 135.172 408.316 138.949
409.754 140.793 c 409.434 140.84 409 140.875 408.422 140.875 c 404.656
140.875 398.531 139.355 392.438 136.91 c 383.676 133.39 378.676 129.613
377.23 127.769 c h
378.562 122.461 m 374.977 122.461 372.734 123.519 371.895 125.613 c 368.984
132.875 388.281 140.867 390.492 141.754 c 397.262 144.476 403.965 146.101
408.422 146.101 c 412.004 146.101 414.246 145.043 415.086 142.957 c 415.395
142.195 415.617 140.965 414.957 139.41 c 412.984 134.785 403.777 129.726
396.496 126.804 c 389.715 124.086 383.012 122.461 378.562 122.461 c f
446.145 235.523 m 388.227 173.199 l 387.242 172.144 387.301 170.492 388.359
169.511 c 388.863 169.043 389.5 168.808 390.137 168.808 c 390.84 168.808
391.535 169.093 392.051 169.644 c 450.297 232.316 l 449.582 234.386 448.801
236.207 446.145 235.523 c f
219.746 244.531 m 223.395 244.531 l 225.648 244.531 227.074 246.179 227.074
248.32 c 227.074 250.468 225.648 252.109 223.395 252.109 c 219.746 252.109
l h
214.387 254.039 m 214.387 255.722 215.387 256.828 217.176 256.828 c 223.5
256.828 l 228.754 256.828 232.652 253.398 232.652 248.285 c 232.652 243.066
228.613 239.816 223.715 239.816 c 219.746 239.816 l 219.746 233.953 l 219.746
232.164 218.602 231.164 217.066 231.164 c 215.527 231.164 214.387 232.164
214.387 233.953 c 214.387 254.039 l f
238.836 254.254 m 238.836 256.043 239.977 257.043 241.512 257.043 c 243.055
257.043 244.195 256.043 244.195 254.254 c 244.195 236.312 l 250.559 236.312
l 252.379 236.312 253.168 234.953 253.133 233.738 c 253.059 232.558 252.129
231.379 250.559 231.379 c 241.621 231.379 l 239.871 231.379 238.836 232.523
238.836 234.308 c 238.836 254.254 l f
264.926 241.316 m 271.719 241.316 l 268.395 251.683 l 268.32 251.683 l
264.535 254.293 m 265.141 255.933 266.535 257.258 268.359 257.258 c 270.254
257.258 271.574 256.008 272.184 254.293 c 279.188 234.847 l 279.402 234.277
279.477 233.773 279.477 233.523 c 279.477 232.129 278.332 231.164 277.008
231.164 c 275.508 231.164 274.754 231.949 274.398 233.023 c 273.324 236.383
l 263.391 236.383 l 262.316 233.058 l 261.961 231.949 261.211 231.164 259.742
231.164 c 258.312 231.164 257.098 232.238 257.098 233.668 c 257.098 234.238
257.277 234.668 257.348 234.847 c 264.535 254.293 l f
286.734 251.898 m 282.84 251.898 l 281.125 251.898 280.41 253.148 280.41
254.363 c 280.41 255.613 281.305 256.828 282.84 256.828 c 295.992 256.828
l 297.531 256.828 298.426 255.613 298.426 254.363 c 298.426 253.148 297.707
251.898 295.992 251.898 c 292.098 251.898 l 292.098 233.953 l 292.098 232.164
290.953 231.164 289.418 231.164 c 287.879 231.164 286.734 232.164 286.734
233.953 c 286.734 251.898 l f
304.176 253.718 m 304.176 255.508 305.07 256.828 306.965 256.828 c 315.832
256.828 l 317.547 256.828 318.371 255.613 318.371 254.363 c 318.371 253.148
317.512 251.898 315.832 251.898 c 309.539 251.898 l 309.539 246.679 l 315.402
246.679 l 317.152 246.679 318.012 245.461 318.012 244.211 c 318.012 242.996
317.117 241.746 315.402 241.746 c 309.539 241.746 l 309.539 236.312 l 316.152
236.312 l 317.867 236.312 318.691 235.097 318.691 233.843 c 318.691 232.629
317.832 231.379 316.152 231.379 c 306.93 231.379 l 305.359 231.379 304.176
232.453 304.176 234.058 c 304.176 253.718 l f
325.301 254.039 m 325.301 255.508 326.301 256.828 328.09 256.828 c 337.238
256.828 l 338.812 256.828 339.633 255.613 339.633 254.363 c 339.633 253.148
338.848 251.898 337.238 251.898 c 330.664 251.898 l 330.664 246.679 l 336.203
246.679 l 337.918 246.679 338.777 245.461 338.777 244.246 c 338.777 242.996
337.918 241.746 336.203 241.746 c 330.664 241.746 l 330.664 233.953 l 330.664
232.164 329.52 231.164 327.98 231.164 c 326.445 231.164 325.301 232.164
325.301 233.953 c 325.301 254.039 l f
363.762 244.101 m 363.762 248.429 361.512 252.324 357.043 252.324 c 352.574
252.324 350.32 248.429 350.32 244.101 c 350.32 239.742 352.5 235.883 357.043
235.883 c 361.578 235.883 363.762 239.742 363.762 244.101 c h
344.742 244.101 m 344.742 251.539 349.75 257.258 357.043 257.258 c 364.227
257.258 369.336 251.359 369.336 244.101 c 369.336 236.703 364.371 230.949
357.043 230.949 c 349.785 230.949 344.742 236.703 344.742 244.101 c f
381.488 245.57 m 385.172 245.57 l 387.133 245.57 388.496 246.75 388.496
248.75 c 388.496 250.789 387.133 251.898 385.172 251.898 c 381.488 251.898
l h
376.125 254.039 m 376.125 255.758 377.094 256.828 378.879 256.828 c 385.172
256.828 l 390.672 256.828 394.07 254.363 394.07 248.75 c 394.07 244.816
391.102 242.566 387.457 241.996 c 393.535 235.488 l 394.035 234.953 394.246
234.418 394.246 233.918 c 394.246 232.523 393.141 231.164 391.566 231.164
c 390.922 231.164 390.066 231.414 389.496 232.093 c 381.559 241.711 l 381.488
241.711 l 381.488 233.953 l 381.488 232.164 380.344 231.164 378.809 231.164
c 377.27 231.164 376.125 232.164 376.125 233.953 c 376.125 254.039 l f
403.184 254.293 m 403.398 255.578 404.793 257.043 406.688 257.043 c 408.473
257.043 409.867 255.758 410.262 254.468 c 414.48 240.316 l 414.551 240.316
l 418.766 254.468 l 419.16 255.758 420.555 257.043 422.344 257.043 c 424.238
257.043 425.629 255.578 425.844 254.293 c 429.168 234.343 l 429.207 234.133
429.207 233.918 429.207 233.738 c 429.207 232.164 428.062 231.164 426.633
231.164 c 424.809 231.164 424.094 231.988 423.844 233.668 c 421.734 248.215
l 421.664 248.215 l 417.371 233.238 l 417.125 232.383 416.445 231.164 414.512
231.164 c 412.582 231.164 411.902 232.383 411.652 233.238 c 407.367 248.215
l 407.293 248.215 l 405.188 233.668 l 404.934 231.988 404.219 231.164 402.398
231.164 c 400.969 231.164 399.824 232.164 399.824 233.738 c 399.824 233.918
399.824 234.133 399.859 234.343 c 403.184 254.293 l f
436.246 253.718 m 436.246 255.508 437.141 256.828 439.031 256.828 c 447.898
256.828 l 449.613 256.828 450.438 255.613 450.438 254.363 c 450.438 253.148
449.578 251.898 447.898 251.898 c 441.609 251.898 l 441.609 246.679 l 447.469
246.679 l 449.219 246.679 450.078 245.461 450.078 244.211 c 450.078 242.996
449.184 241.746 447.469 241.746 c 441.609 241.746 l 441.609 236.312 l 448.219
236.312 l 449.934 236.312 450.758 235.097 450.758 233.843 c 450.758 232.629
449.898 231.379 448.219 231.379 c 439 231.379 l 437.426 231.379 436.246
232.453 436.246 234.058 c 436.246 253.718 l f
20.943834 0 0 20.943834 113.562208 91.593954 Tm
/f-0-0 1 Tf
6.797 73.254 m 4.41 67.734 l 9.18 67.734 l 6.797 73.254 l 6.797 77.191
m 13.613 61.613 l 11.68 61.613 l 9.734 66.211 l 3.879 66.211 l 1.934 61.613
l 0 61.613 l 6.797 77.191 l f
16.199 69.66 m 14.48 69.66 l 14.48 70.98 l 16.199 70.98 l 16.199 74.758
l 17.84 74.758 l 17.84 70.98 l 19.559 70.98 l 19.559 69.66 l 17.84 69.66
l 17.84 61.613 l 16.199 61.613 l 16.199 69.66 l f
29.004 67.355 m 29.004 67.754 28.93 68.109 28.777 68.429 c 28.637 68.754
28.434 69.027 28.176 69.261 c 27.684 69.711 27.008 69.937 26.148 69.937
c 25.375 69.937 24.73 69.703 24.215 69.238 c 23.703 68.777 23.398 68.148
23.301 67.355 c 29.004 67.355 l 30.723 66.058 m 23.301 66.058 l 23.301
65.914 l 23.301 64.918 23.59 64.109 24.164 63.488 c 24.734 62.867 25.484
62.554 26.402 62.554 c 27.031 62.554 27.594 62.718 28.094 63.047 c 28.59
63.383 29.043 63.898 29.445 64.593 c 30.66 63.773 l 30.191 62.933 29.59
62.297 28.859 61.859 c 28.129 61.429 27.285 61.215 26.32 61.215 c 24.91
61.215 23.758 61.687 22.871 62.629 c 21.984 63.57 21.543 64.804 21.543
66.332 c 21.543 67.8 21.98 69 22.852 69.937 c 23.727 70.871 24.848 71.34
26.219 71.34 c 27.605 71.34 28.699 70.894 29.504 70.008 c 30.316 69.121
30.723 67.91 30.723 66.375 c 30.723 66.058 l f
34.172 77.48 1.637 -15.867 re f
39.828 75.492 m 39.828 75.8 39.941 76.07 40.168 76.3 c 40.398 76.543 40.68
76.66 41.004 76.66 c 41.32 76.66 41.594 76.547 41.824 76.312 c 42.059 76.082
42.172 75.8 42.172 75.472 c 42.172 75.168 42.059 74.898 41.836 74.664 c
41.609 74.433 41.332 74.316 41.004 74.316 c 40.684 74.316 40.41 74.429
40.176 74.656 c 39.945 74.879 39.828 75.16 39.828 75.492 c 40.207 61.613
m 40.207 70.98 l 41.824 70.98 l 41.824 61.613 l 40.207 61.613 l f
52.805 67.355 m 52.805 67.754 52.73 68.109 52.582 68.429 c 52.438 68.754
52.234 69.027 51.977 69.261 c 51.484 69.711 50.809 69.937 49.949 69.937
c 49.18 69.937 48.535 69.703 48.016 69.238 c 47.504 68.777 47.199 68.148
47.105 67.355 c 52.805 67.355 l 54.523 66.058 m 47.105 66.058 l 47.105
65.914 l 47.105 64.918 47.391 64.109 47.965 63.488 c 48.535 62.867 49.285
62.554 50.207 62.554 c 50.832 62.554 51.395 62.718 51.895 63.047 c 52.391
63.383 52.844 63.898 53.246 64.593 c 54.465 63.773 l 53.992 62.933 53.391
62.297 52.66 61.859 c 51.934 61.429 51.086 61.215 50.125 61.215 c 48.711
61.215 47.562 61.687 46.676 62.629 c 45.785 63.57 45.344 64.804 45.344
66.332 c 45.344 67.8 45.781 69 46.652 69.937 c 47.527 70.871 48.648 71.34
50.02 71.34 c 51.406 71.34 52.5 70.894 53.309 70.008 c 54.117 69.121 54.523
67.91 54.523 66.375 c 54.523 66.058 l f
57.91 61.613 m 57.91 70.98 l 59.332 70.98 l 59.332 69.035 l 59.762 69.84
60.219 70.418 60.707 70.765 c 61.191 71.121 61.781 71.297 62.477 71.297
c 62.688 71.297 62.871 71.281 63.027 71.246 c 63.09 71.238 63.16 71.226
63.242 71.207 c 63.332 71.191 63.438 71.16 63.562 71.113 c 63.027 69.672
l 62.934 69.703 62.855 69.726 62.793 69.742 c 62.738 69.754 62.629 69.777
62.465 69.804 c 62.309 69.836 62.164 69.855 62.035 69.855 c 61.195 69.855
60.562 69.547 60.133 68.933 c 59.707 68.324 59.496 67.406 59.496 66.179
c 59.496 61.613 l 57.91 61.613 l f
80.547 63.836 m 80.547 61.972 l 80.133 61.726 79.652 61.539 79.113 61.41
c 78.848 61.347 78.574 61.3 78.297 61.265 c 78.016 61.23 77.719 61.215
77.406 61.215 c 75.957 61.215 74.793 61.672 73.906 62.586 c 73.023 63.508
72.586 64.715 72.586 66.211 c 72.586 67.703 73.043 68.929 73.957 69.886
c 74.871 70.84 76.039 71.316 77.469 71.316 c 77.992 71.316 78.5 71.261
78.992 71.152 c 79.488 71.05 79.953 70.89 80.383 70.672 c 80.383 68.953
l 80.172 69.09 79.973 69.203 79.781 69.293 c 79.59 69.386 79.367 69.476
79.113 69.558 c 78.684 69.699 78.242 69.773 77.785 69.773 c 76.738 69.773
75.898 69.441 75.258 68.781 c 74.621 68.125 74.305 67.25 74.305 66.16 c
74.305 65.203 74.621 64.398 75.258 63.742 c 75.891 63.093 76.691 62.769
77.66 62.769 c 78.145 62.769 78.617 62.851 79.074 63.015 c 79.539 63.187
80.027 63.461 80.547 63.836 c f
84.68 66.273 m 84.68 65.281 85.012 64.441 85.672 63.754 c 86.336 63.07
87.137 62.73 88.078 62.73 c 89.008 62.73 89.797 63.07 90.453 63.754 c 91.117
64.441 91.445 65.281 91.445 66.273 c 91.445 67.246 91.121 68.078 90.465
68.769 c 89.809 69.465 89.016 69.812 88.078 69.812 c 87.137 69.812 86.336
69.472 85.672 68.789 c 85.012 68.105 84.68 67.269 84.68 66.273 c 82.98
66.273 m 82.98 66.961 83.105 67.609 83.352 68.215 c 83.602 68.824 83.973
69.367 84.457 69.843 c 84.941 70.32 85.496 70.687 86.125 70.937 c 86.75
71.191 87.402 71.316 88.078 71.316 c 88.762 71.316 89.406 71.191 90.016
70.937 c 90.621 70.695 91.176 70.324 91.684 69.832 c 92.168 69.363 92.535
68.816 92.789 68.195 c 93.039 67.582 93.168 66.941 93.168 66.273 c 93.168
65.59 93.039 64.949 92.789 64.347 c 92.543 63.754 92.172 63.215 91.684
62.73 c 91.199 62.246 90.641 61.875 90.016 61.613 c 89.387 61.347 88.742
61.215 88.078 61.215 c 87.375 61.215 86.719 61.34 86.105 61.593 c 85.496
61.847 84.949 62.215 84.465 62.699 c 83.98 63.191 83.613 63.738 83.359
64.336 c 83.109 64.945 82.98 65.59 82.98 66.273 c f
96.695 77.48 1.637 -15.867 re f
102.73 77.48 1.641 -15.867 re f
115.852 66.211 m 115.852 67.269 115.562 68.117 114.98 68.758 c 114.41 69.406
113.66 69.73 112.73 69.73 c 111.773 69.73 111.023 69.429 110.48 68.832
c 109.941 68.238 109.672 67.41 109.672 66.355 c 109.672 65.226 109.941 64.355
110.48 63.734 c 111.023 63.121 111.797 62.812 112.793 62.812 c 113.742
62.812 114.488 63.109 115.035 63.703 c 115.578 64.304 115.852 65.14 115.852
66.211 c 117.406 70.98 m 117.406 61.613 l 115.852 61.613 l 115.852 63.312
l 115.484 62.636 115.004 62.121 114.41 61.758 c 113.824 61.394 113.172
61.215 112.453 61.215 c 111.117 61.215 110.035 61.675 109.211 62.597 c 108.383
63.519 107.973 64.742 107.973 66.273 c 107.973 67.8 108.371 69.023 109.168
69.937 c 109.969 70.855 111.035 71.316 112.371 71.316 c 113.148 71.316
113.824 71.144 114.398 70.797 c 114.973 70.449 115.441 69.922 115.812 69.218
c 115.812 70.98 l 117.406 70.98 l f
123.086 66.25 m 123.086 65.168 123.363 64.312 123.914 63.691 c 124.477
63.078 125.246 62.769 126.23 62.769 c 127.184 62.769 127.934 63.097 128.473
63.754 c 129.016 64.41 129.289 65.308 129.289 66.457 c 129.289 67.472 129.02
68.269 128.48 68.851 c 127.949 69.437 127.215 69.73 126.281 69.73 c 125.332
69.73 124.562 69.41 123.969 68.769 c 123.379 68.129 123.086 67.289 123.086
66.25 c 121.562 77.48 m 123.148 77.48 l 123.148 69.218 l 123.512 69.922
123.98 70.449 124.562 70.797 c 125.141 71.144 125.809 71.316 126.566 71.316
c 127.906 71.316 128.977 70.855 129.781 69.937 c 130.586 69.023 130.988
67.8 130.988 66.273 c 130.988 64.765 130.578 63.543 129.762 62.605 c 128.941
61.679 127.855 61.215 126.504 61.215 c 125.781 61.215 125.121 61.398 124.52
61.769 c 123.926 62.136 123.449 62.652 123.086 63.312 c 123.086 61.613
l 121.562 61.613 l 121.562 77.48 l f
135.461 66.273 m 135.461 65.281 135.789 64.441 136.453 63.754 c 137.113
63.07 137.918 62.73 138.859 62.73 c 139.785 62.73 140.578 63.07 141.234
63.754 c 141.895 64.441 142.227 65.281 142.227 66.273 c 142.227 67.246
141.898 68.078 141.242 68.769 c 140.586 69.465 139.793 69.812 138.859 69.812
c 137.918 69.812 137.113 69.472 136.453 68.789 c 135.789 68.105 135.461
67.269 135.461 66.273 c 133.762 66.273 m 133.762 66.961 133.883 67.609
134.129 68.215 c 134.383 68.824 134.75 69.367 135.234 69.843 c 135.719 70.32
136.273 70.687 136.902 70.937 c 137.531 71.191 138.184 71.316 138.859 71.316
c 139.539 71.316 140.184 71.191 140.793 70.937 c 141.398 70.695 141.957
70.324 142.461 69.832 c 142.945 69.363 143.312 68.816 143.566 68.195 c
143.82 67.582 143.945 66.941 143.945 66.273 c 143.945 65.59 143.82 64.949
143.566 64.347 c 143.32 63.754 142.953 63.215 142.461 62.73 c 141.977 62.246
141.422 61.875 140.793 61.613 c 140.164 61.347 139.52 61.215 138.859 61.215
c 138.156 61.215 137.496 61.34 136.883 61.593 c 136.273 61.847 135.73 62.215
135.246 62.699 c 134.762 63.191 134.391 63.738 134.141 64.336 c 133.887
64.945 133.762 65.59 133.762 66.273 c f
147.414 61.613 m 147.414 70.98 l 148.836 70.98 l 148.836 69.035 l 149.266
69.84 149.723 70.418 150.207 70.765 c 150.691 71.121 151.281 71.297 151.977
71.297 c 152.188 71.297 152.375 71.281 152.531 71.246 c 152.594 71.238
152.664 71.226 152.746 71.207 c 152.836 71.191 152.941 71.16 153.062 71.113
c 152.531 69.672 l 152.434 69.703 152.355 69.726 152.297 69.742 c 152.242
69.754 152.133 69.777 151.969 69.804 c 151.812 69.836 151.668 69.855 151.539
69.855 c 150.699 69.855 150.062 69.547 149.633 68.933 c 149.211 68.324
149 67.406 149 66.179 c 149 61.613 l 147.414 61.613 l f
162.887 66.211 m 162.887 67.269 162.598 68.117 162.016 68.758 c 161.445
69.406 160.691 69.73 159.766 69.73 c 158.809 69.73 158.059 69.429 157.512
68.832 c 156.973 68.238 156.703 67.41 156.703 66.355 c 156.703 65.226 156.973
64.355 157.512 63.734 c 158.059 63.121 158.832 62.812 159.828 62.812 c
160.773 62.812 161.523 63.109 162.066 63.703 c 162.613 64.304 162.887 65.14
162.887 66.211 c 164.441 70.98 m 164.441 61.613 l 162.887 61.613 l 162.887
63.312 l 162.52 62.636 162.039 62.121 161.445 61.758 c 160.855 61.394 160.207
61.215 159.488 61.215 c 158.152 61.215 157.07 61.675 156.242 62.597 c 155.418
63.519 155.004 64.742 155.004 66.273 c 155.004 67.8 155.406 69.023 156.203
69.937 c 157 70.855 158.07 71.316 159.406 71.316 c 160.184 71.316 160.859
71.144 161.434 70.797 c 162.008 70.449 162.477 69.922 162.848 69.218 c
162.848 70.98 l 164.441 70.98 l f
168.844 69.66 m 167.121 69.66 l 167.121 70.98 l 168.844 70.98 l 168.844
74.758 l 170.48 74.758 l 170.48 70.98 l 172.199 70.98 l 172.199 69.66 l
170.48 69.66 l 170.48 61.613 l 168.844 61.613 l 168.844 69.66 l f
174.703 75.492 m 174.703 75.8 174.816 76.07 175.043 76.3 c 175.273 76.543
175.555 76.66 175.883 76.66 c 176.195 76.66 176.469 76.547 176.699 76.312
c 176.934 76.082 177.051 75.8 177.051 75.472 c 177.051 75.168 176.938 74.898
176.711 74.664 c 176.484 74.433 176.211 74.316 175.883 74.316 c 175.562
74.316 175.285 74.429 175.055 74.656 c 174.82 74.879 174.703 75.16 174.703
75.492 c 175.082 61.613 m 175.082 70.98 l 176.699 70.98 l 176.699 61.613
l 175.082 61.613 l f
181.457 61.613 m 181.457 69.66 l 179.656 69.66 l 179.656 70.98 l 181.457
70.98 l 181.457 73.691 l 181.457 75.242 181.652 76.293 182.043 76.843 c
182.43 77.398 183.137 77.675 184.16 77.675 c 184.277 77.675 184.395 77.672
184.52 77.664 c 184.641 77.656 184.789 77.64 184.957 77.613 c 185.137 77.586
185.332 77.535 185.543 77.461 c 185.543 75.8 l 185.344 75.91 185.137 75.996
184.918 76.058 c 184.816 76.086 184.715 76.105 184.609 76.117 c 184.516
76.133 184.406 76.14 184.285 76.14 c 183.812 76.14 183.488 75.988 183.312
75.687 c 183.133 75.386 183.043 74.652 183.043 73.476 c 183.043 70.98 l
185.543 70.98 l 185.543 69.66 l 183.086 69.66 l 183.086 61.613 l 181.457
61.613 l f
end restore
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 76 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
//this is to use DWF library, it will increase the speed of digitalRead/Write command
//used in the interrupt function doEncoderMotor0, but may be used everywhere.
i have made this code for the LMD18245 motor controller,
i have merged the pid code of Josh Kopel
whith the code of makerbot servo-controller board,
you can use this code on the some board changing some values.
Daniele Poddighe
external ardware require a quadrature encoder, timing slit strip and a dc motor,
all you can find inside an old printer, i have took it from canon and hp printers(psc1510)
for motor controll you can choose different type of H-bridge, i have used LMD18245,
you can order 3 of it on sample request, the hardware needed is explained on the datasheet but i'm drowing
the schematic and PCB layout on eagle.
read a rotary encoder with interrupts
Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND,
encoder0PinA to pin 2, encoder0PinB to pin 4 (or pin 3 see below)
it doesn't matter which encoder pin you use for A or B
is possible to change PID costants by sending on serial interfaces the values separated by ',' in this order: KP,KD,KI
example: 5.2,3.1,0 so we have KP=5.2 KD=3.1 KI=0 is only for testing purposes, but i will leave this function with eeprom storage
This code use Port manipulation :
Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board
(the ATmega8 and ATmega168) have three ports:
B (digital pin 8 to 13)
C (analog input pins)
D (digital pins 0 to 7)
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2 (INT0) You can't modify port mapping here because this code use Port manipulation (I2)
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PB0; (I8)
#define MotorIN1 5 //(I5) IN1
#define MotorIN2 6 //(I6) IN2
//from ramps 1.4 stepper driver
#define STEP_PIN 3 //PD3 (INT1) (I3)
#define DIR_PIN 7 //PC0; (A0)
//#define ENABLE_PIN 13 //PB5; for now is USELESS (I13)
//to use current motor as speed control, the LMD18245 has 4 bit cuttent output
//#define M0 9 //assign 4 bit from PORTB register to current control -> Bxx0000x (x mean any)
//#define M1 10 // PB1; PB2; PB3; PB4
//#define M2 11
//#define M3 12
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
long target = 0;
long target1 = 0;
int amp=212;
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
//PID controller constants
float KP = 6.0 ; //position multiplier (gain) 2.25
float KI = 0.1; // Intergral multiplier (gain) .25
float KD = 1.3; // derivative multiplier (gain) 1.0
int lastError = 0;
int sumError = 0;
//Integral term min/max (random value and not yet tested/verified)
int iMax = 100;
int iMin = 0;
long previousTarget = 0;
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 5; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinModeFast(2, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
pinModeFast(MotorIN1, OUTPUT);
pinModeFast(MotorIN2, OUTPUT);
//pinModeFast(DirectionPin, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(SpeedPin, OUTPUT);
//ramps 1.4 motor control
pinModeFast(STEP_PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DIR_PIN, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep, RISING); //on pin 3
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println("start"); // a personal quirk
void loop(){
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
KP = Serial.parseFloat();
KD = Serial.parseFloat();
KI = Serial.parseFloat();
if(millis() - previousTarget > 1000){ //enable this code only for test purposes because it loss a lot of time
target = target1;
void docalc() {
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval)
previousMillis = millis(); // remember the last time we blinked the LED
long error = encoder0Pos - target ; // find the error term of current position - target
//generalized PID formula
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
long ms = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError) +KI * (sumError);
lastError = error;
sumError += error;
//scale the sum for the integral term
if(sumError > iMax) {
sumError = iMax;
} else if(sumError < iMin){
sumError = iMin;
int motorspeed = map(ms,0,amp,0,255);
if( motorspeed >= 255) motorspeed=255;
if(ms > 0){
digitalWrite ( MotorIN1 , LOW );
analogWrite ( MotorIN2, motorspeed );
if(ms < 0){
digitalWrite ( MotorIN1 , HIGH );
analogWrite ( MotorIN2, 255 - motorspeed );
ms = -1 * ms;
void doEncoderMotor0(){
if (((PIND&B0000100)>>2) == HIGH) { // found a low-to-high on channel A; if(digitalRead(encoderPinA)==HIGH){.... read PD2 (I2)
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
else {
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else // found a high-to-low on channel A
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else {
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
void countStep(){
//dir = (PINC&B0000001); // dir=digitalRead(dir_pin) read PC0, 14 digital;
//here will be (PINB&B0000001) to not use shift in the stable version
if (dir) target1++;
else target1--;
@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
//this is to use DWF library, it will increase the speed of digitalRead/Write command
//used in the interrupt function doEncoderMotor0, but may be used everywhere.
i have made this code for the LMD18245 motor controller,
i have merged the pid code of Josh Kopel
whith the code of makerbot servo-controller board,
you can use this code on the some board changing some values.
Daniele Poddighe
external ardware require a quadrature encoder, timing slit strip and a dc motor,
all you can find inside an old printer, i have took it from canon and hp printers(psc1510)
for motor controll you can choose different type of H-bridge, i have used LMD18245,
you can order 3 of it on sample request, the hardware needed is explained on the datasheet but i'm drowing
the schematic and PCB layout on eagle.
read a rotary encoder with interrupts
Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND,
encoder0PinA to pin 2, encoder0PinB to pin 4 (or pin 3 see below)
it doesn't matter which encoder pin you use for A or B
is possible to change PID costants by sending on serial interfaces the values separated by ',' in this order: KP,KD,KI
example: 5.2,3.1,0 so we have KP=5.2 KD=3.1 KI=0 is only for testing purposes, but i will leave this function with eeprom storage
This code use Port manipulation :
Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board
(the ATmega8 and ATmega168) have three ports:
B (digital pin 8 to 13)
C (analog input pins)
D (digital pins 0 to 7)
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2 (INT0) You can't modify port mapping here because this code use Port manipulation (I2)
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PB0; (I8)
#define SpeedPin 6 (I6)
#define DirectionPin 15 //PC1; (A1)
//from ramps 1.4 stepper driver
#define STEP_PIN 3 //PD3 (INT1) (I3)
#define DIR_PIN 14 //PC0; (A0)
//#define ENABLE_PIN 13 //PB5; for now is USELESS (I13)
//to use current motor as speed control, the LMD18245 has 4 bit cuttent output
//#define M0 9 //assign 4 bit from PORTB register to current control -> Bxx0000x (x mean any)
//#define M1 10 // PB1; PB2; PB3; PB4
//#define M2 11
//#define M3 12
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
long target = 0;
long target1 = 0;
int amp=212;
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
//PID controller constants
float KP = 6.0 ; //position multiplier (gain) 2.25
float KI = 0.1; // Intergral multiplier (gain) .25
float KD = 1.3; // derivative multiplier (gain) 1.0
int lastError = 0;
int sumError = 0;
//Integral term min/max (random value and not yet tested/verified)
int iMax = 100;
int iMin = 0;
long previousTarget = 0;
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 5; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinModeFast(2, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DirectionPin, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(SpeedPin, OUTPUT);
//ramps 1.4 motor control
pinModeFast(STEP_PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DIR_PIN, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep, RISING); //on pin 3
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println("start"); // a personal quirk
void loop(){
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
KP = Serial.parseFloat();
KD = Serial.parseFloat();
KI = Serial.parseFloat();
if(millis() - previousTarget > 1000){ //enable this code only for test purposes because it loss a lot of time
target = target1;
void docalc() {
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval)
previousMillis = millis(); // remember the last time we blinked the LED
long error = encoder0Pos - target ; // find the error term of current position - target
//generalized PID formula
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
long ms = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError) +KI * (sumError);
lastError = error;
sumError += error;
//scale the sum for the integral term
if(sumError > iMax) {
sumError = iMax;
} else if(sumError < iMin){
sumError = iMin;
if(ms > 0){
PORTC |=B00000010; //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin ,HIGH ); write PC1 HIGH (A1)
if(ms < 0){
PORTC &=(B11111101); //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin , LOW ); write PC1 LOW (A1)
ms = -1 * ms;
int motorspeed = map(ms,0,amp,0,255);
if( motorspeed >= 255) motorspeed=255;
//PORTB |=(motorspeed<<1); // is a sort of: digitalwrite(M0 M1 M2 M3, 0 0 0 0 to 1 1 1 1); it set directly PORTB to B**M3M2M1M0*;
//analogWrite ( SpeedPin, (255 - motorSpeed) );
analogWrite ( SpeedPin, motorspeed );
//Serial.print ( ms );
//Serial.print ( ',' );
//Serial.println ( motorspeed );
void doEncoderMotor0(){
if (((PIND&B0000100)>>2) == HIGH) { // found a low-to-high on channel A; if(digitalRead(encoderPinA)==HIGH){.... read PD2 (I2)
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
else {
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else // found a high-to-low on channel A
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else {
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
void countStep(){
dir = (PINC&B0000001); // dir=digitalRead(dir_pin) read PC0, 14 digital;
//here will be (PINB&B0000001) to not use shift in the stable version
if (dir) target1++;
else target1--;
#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
//this is to use DWF library, it will increase the speed of digitalRead/Write command
//used in the interrupt function doEncoderMotor0, but may be used everywhere.
i have made this code for the LMD18245 motor controller,
i have merged the pid code of Josh Kopel
whith the code of makerbot servo-controller board,
you can use this code on the some board changing some values.
Daniele Poddighe
external ardware require a quadrature encoder, timing slit strip and a dc motor,
all you can find inside an old printer, i have took it from canon and hp printers(psc1510)
for motor controll you can choose different type of H-bridge, i have used LMD18245,
you can order 3 of it on sample request, the hardware needed is explained on the datasheet but i'm drowing
the schematic and PCB layout on eagle.
read a rotary encoder with interrupts
Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND,
encoder0PinA to pin 2, encoder0PinB to pin 4 (or pin 3 see below)
it doesn't matter which encoder pin you use for A or B
is possible to change PID costants by sending on serial interfaces the values separated by ',' in this order: KP,KD,KI
example: 5.2,3.1,0 so we have KP=5.2 KD=3.1 KI=0 is only for testing purposes, but i will leave this function with eeprom storage
This code use Port manipulation :
Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board
(the ATmega8 and ATmega168) have three ports:
B (digital pin 8 to 13)
C (analog input pins)
D (digital pins 0 to 7)
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2 (INT0) You can't modify port mapping here because this code use Port manipulation (I2)
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PB0; (I8)
#define SpeedPin 6 (I6)
#define DirectionPin 15 //PC1; (A1)
//from ramps 1.4 stepper driver
#define STEP_PIN 3 //PD3 (INT1) (I3)
#define DIR_PIN 14 //PC0; (A0)
//#define ENABLE_PIN 13 //PB5; for now is USELESS (I13)
//to use current motor as speed control, the LMD18245 has 4 bit cuttent output
//#define M0 9 //assign 4 bit from PORTB register to current control -> Bxx0000x (x mean any)
//#define M1 10 // PB1; PB2; PB3; PB4
//#define M2 11
//#define M3 12
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
long target = 0;
long target1 = 0;
int amp=212;
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
//PID controller constants
float KP = 6.0 ; //position multiplier (gain) 2.25
float KI = 0.1; // Intergral multiplier (gain) .25
float KD = 1.3; // derivative multiplier (gain) 1.0
int lastError = 0;
int sumError = 0;
//Integral term min/max (random value and not yet tested/verified)
int iMax = 100;
int iMin = 0;
long previousTarget = 0;
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 5; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinModeFast(2, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DirectionPin, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(SpeedPin, OUTPUT);
//ramps 1.4 motor control
pinModeFast(STEP_PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DIR_PIN, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep, RISING); //on pin 3
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println("start"); // a personal quirk
void loop(){
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
KP = Serial.parseFloat();
KD = Serial.parseFloat();
KI = Serial.parseFloat();
if(millis() - previousTarget > 1000){ //enable this code only for test purposes because it loss a lot of time
target = target1;
void docalc() {
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval)
previousMillis = millis(); // remember the last time we blinked the LED
long error = encoder0Pos - target ; // find the error term of current position - target
//generalized PID formula
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
long ms = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError) +KI * (sumError);
lastError = error;
sumError += error;
//scale the sum for the integral term
if(sumError > iMax) {
sumError = iMax;
} else if(sumError < iMin){
sumError = iMin;
if(ms > 0){
PORTC |=B00000010; //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin ,HIGH ); write PC1 HIGH (A1)
if(ms < 0){
PORTC &=(B11111101); //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin , LOW ); write PC1 LOW (A1)
ms = -1 * ms;
int motorspeed = map(ms,0,amp,0,255);
if( motorspeed >= 255) motorspeed=255;
//PORTB |=(motorspeed<<1); // is a sort of: digitalwrite(M0 M1 M2 M3, 0 0 0 0 to 1 1 1 1); it set directly PORTB to B**M3M2M1M0*;
//analogWrite ( SpeedPin, (255 - motorSpeed) );
analogWrite ( SpeedPin, motorspeed );
//Serial.print ( ms );
//Serial.print ( ',' );
//Serial.println ( motorspeed );
void doEncoderMotor0(){
if (((PIND&B0000100)>>2) == HIGH) { // found a low-to-high on channel A; if(digitalRead(encoderPinA)==HIGH){.... read PD2 (I2)
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
else {
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else // found a high-to-low on channel A
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else {
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
void countStep(){
dir = (PINC&B0000001); // dir=digitalRead(dir_pin) read PC0, 14 digital;
//here will be (PINB&B0000001) to not use shift in the stable version
if (dir) target1++;
else target1--;
@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
#include <digitalWriteFast.h>
//this is to use DWF library, it will increase the speed of digitalRead/Write command
//used in the interrupt function doEncoderMotor0, but may be used everywhere.
i have made this code for the LMD18245 motor controller,
i have merged the pid code of Josh Kopel
whith the code of makerbot servo-controller board,
you can use this code on the some board changing some values.
Daniele Poddighe
external ardware require a quadrature encoder, timing slit strip and a dc motor,
all you can find inside an old printer, i have took it from canon and hp printers(psc1510)
for motor controll you can choose different type of H-bridge, i have used LMD18245,
you can order 3 of it on sample request, the hardware needed is explained on the datasheet but i'm drowing
the schematic and PCB layout on eagle.
read a rotary encoder with interrupts
Encoder hooked up with common to GROUND,
encoder0PinA to pin 2, encoder0PinB to pin 4 (or pin 3 see below)
it doesn't matter which encoder pin you use for A or B
is possible to change PID costants by sending on serial interfaces the values separated by ',' in this order: KP,KD,KI
example: 5.2,3.1,0 so we have KP=5.2 KD=3.1 KI=0 is only for testing purposes, but i will leave this function with eeprom storage
This code use Port manipulation :
Port registers allow for lower-level and faster manipulation of the i/o pins of the microcontroller on an Arduino board. The chips used on the Arduino board
(the ATmega8 and ATmega168) have three ports:
B (digital pin 8 to 13)
C (analog input pins)
D (digital pins 0 to 7)
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2 (INT0) You can't modify port mapping here because this code use Port manipulation (I2)
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PB0; (I8)
#define SpeedPin 6 //(I6)
#define DirectionPin 15 //PC1; (A1)
//from ramps 1.4 stepper driver
#define STEP_PIN 3 //PD3 (INT1) (I3)
#define DIR_PIN 14 //PC0; (A0)
//#define ENABLE_PIN 13 //PB5; for now is USELESS (I13)
//to use current motor as speed control, the LMD18245 has 4 bit cuttent output
//#define M0 9 //assign 4 bit from PORTB register to current control -> Bxx0000x (x mean any)
//#define M1 10 // PB1; PB2; PB3; PB4
//#define M2 11
//#define M3 12
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
long target = 0;
long target1 = 0;
int amp=212;
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
//PID controller constants
float KP = 6.0 ; //position multiplier (gain) 2.25
float KI = 0.1; // Intergral multiplier (gain) .25
float KD = 1.3; // derivative multiplier (gain) 1.0
int lastError = 0;
int sumError = 0;
//Integral term min/max (random value and not yet tested/verified)
int iMax = 100;
int iMin = 0;
long previousTarget = 0;
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long interval = 5; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds)
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinModeFast(2, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinModeFast(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DirectionPin, OUTPUT);
//pinMode(SpeedPin, OUTPUT);
//ramps 1.4 motor control
pinModeFast(STEP_PIN, INPUT);
pinModeFast(DIR_PIN, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep, RISING); //on pin 3
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.println("start"); // a personal quirk
void loop(){
while (Serial.available() > 0) {
KP = Serial.parseFloat();
KD = Serial.parseFloat();
KI = Serial.parseFloat();
if(millis() - previousTarget > 1000){ //enable this code only for test purposes because it loss a lot of time
target = target1;
void docalc() {
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval)
previousMillis = millis(); // remember the last time we blinked the LED
long error = encoder0Pos - target ; // find the error term of current position - target
//generalized PID formula
//correction = Kp * error + Kd * (error - prevError) + kI * (sum of errors)
long ms = KP * error + KD * (error - lastError) +KI * (sumError);
lastError = error;
sumError += error;
//scale the sum for the integral term
if(sumError > iMax) {
sumError = iMax;
} else if(sumError < iMin){
sumError = iMin;
if(ms > 0){
PORTC |=B00000010; //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin ,HIGH ); write PC1 HIGH (A1)
if(ms < 0){
PORTC &=(B11111101); //digitalWriteFast2 ( DirectionPin , LOW ); write PC1 LOW (A1)
ms = -1 * ms;
int motorspeed = map(ms,0,amp,0,255);
if( motorspeed >= 255) motorspeed=255;
//PORTB |=(motorspeed<<1); // is a sort of: digitalwrite(M0 M1 M2 M3, 0 0 0 0 to 1 1 1 1); it set directly PORTB to B**M3M2M1M0*;
//analogWrite ( SpeedPin, (255 - motorSpeed) );
analogWrite ( SpeedPin, motorspeed );
//Serial.print ( ms );
//Serial.print ( ',' );
//Serial.println ( motorspeed );
void doEncoderMotor0(){
if (((PIND&B0000100)>>2) == HIGH) { // found a low-to-high on channel A; if(digitalRead(encoderPinA)==HIGH){.... read PD2 (I2)
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
else {
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else // found a high-to-low on channel A
if ((PINB&B0000001) == LOW) { // check channel B to see which way; if(digitalRead(encoderPinB)==LOW){.... read PB0 (I8)
// encoder is turning
encoder0Pos++ ; // CW
else {
encoder0Pos-- ; // CCW
void countStep(){
dir = (PINC&B0000001); // dir=digitalRead(dir_pin) read PC0, 14 digital;
//here will be (PINB&B0000001) to not use shift in the stable version
if (dir) target1++;
else target1--;
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
#if !defined(digitalPinToPortReg)
#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__)
// Standard Arduino Pins
#define digitalPinToPortReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &PORTD : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &PORTB : &PORTC))
#define digitalPinToDDRReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &DDRD : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &DDRB : &DDRC))
#define digitalPinToPINReg(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? &PIND : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? &PINB : &PINC))
#define digitalPinToBit(P) \
(((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 7) ? (P) : (((P) >= 8 && (P) <= 13) ? (P) - 8 : (P) - 14))
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega8__)
// 3 PWM
#define digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 9 || (P) == 10) ? &TCCR1A : (((P) == 11) ? &TCCR2 : 0))
#define digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 9) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 10) ? COM1B1 : COM21))
// 6 PWM
#define digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 6 || (P) == 5) ? &TCCR0A : \
(((P) == 9 || (P) == 10) ? &TCCR1A : \
(((P) == 11 || (P) == 3) ? &TCCR2A : 0)))
#define digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 6) ? COM0A1 : (((P) == 5) ? COM0B1 : \
(((P) == 9) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 10) ? COM1B1 : \
(((P) == 11) ? COM2A1 : COM2B1)))))
// Arduino Mega Pins
#define digitalPinToPortReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &PORTA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &PORTB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &PORTC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38) ? &PORTD : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5) ? &PORTE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &PORTF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4) ? &PORTG : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17) ? &PORTH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15) ? &PORTJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &PORTK : &PORTL))))))))))
#define digitalPinToDDRReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &DDRA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &DDRB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &DDRC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38) ? &DDRD : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5) ? &DDRE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &DDRF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4) ? &DDRG : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17) ? &DDRH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15) ? &DDRJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &DDRK : &DDRL))))))))))
#define digitalPinToPINReg(P) \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? &PINA : \
((((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) || ((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53)) ? &PINB : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? &PINC : \
((((P) >= 18 && (P) <= 21) || (P) == 38) ? &PIND : \
((((P) >= 0 && (P) <= 3) || (P) == 5) ? &PINE : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? &PINF : \
((((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) || (P) == 4) ? &PING : \
((((P) >= 6 && (P) <= 9) || (P) == 16 || (P) == 17) ? &PINH : \
(((P) == 14 || (P) == 15) ? &PINJ : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? &PINK : &PINL))))))))))
#define digitalPinToBit(P) \
(((P) >= 7 && (P) <= 9) ? (P) - 3 : \
(((P) >= 10 && (P) <= 13) ? (P) - 6 : \
(((P) >= 22 && (P) <= 29) ? (P) - 22 : \
(((P) >= 30 && (P) <= 37) ? 37 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 39 && (P) <= 41) ? 41 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 42 && (P) <= 49) ? 49 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 50 && (P) <= 53) ? 53 - (P) : \
(((P) >= 54 && (P) <= 61) ? (P) - 54 : \
(((P) >= 62 && (P) <= 69) ? (P) - 62 : \
(((P) == 0 || (P) == 15 || (P) == 17 || (P) == 21) ? 0 : \
(((P) == 1 || (P) == 14 || (P) == 16 || (P) == 20) ? 1 : \
(((P) == 19) ? 2 : \
(((P) == 5 || (P) == 6 || (P) == 18) ? 3 : \
(((P) == 2) ? 4 : \
(((P) == 3 || (P) == 4) ? 5 : 7)))))))))))))))
// 15 PWM
#define digitalPinToTimer(P) \
(((P) == 13 || (P) == 4) ? &TCCR0A : \
(((P) == 11 || (P) == 12) ? &TCCR1A : \
(((P) == 10 || (P) == 9) ? &TCCR2A : \
(((P) == 5 || (P) == 2 || (P) == 3) ? &TCCR3A : \
(((P) == 6 || (P) == 7 || (P) == 8) ? &TCCR4A : \
(((P) == 46 || (P) == 45 || (P) == 44) ? &TCCR5A : 0))))))
#define digitalPinToTimerBit(P) \
(((P) == 13) ? COM0A1 : (((P) == 4) ? COM0B1 : \
(((P) == 11) ? COM1A1 : (((P) == 12) ? COM1B1 : \
(((P) == 10) ? COM2A1 : (((P) == 9) ? COM2B1 : \
(((P) == 5) ? COM3A1 : (((P) == 2) ? COM3B1 : (((P) == 3) ? COM3C1 : \
(((P) == 6) ? COM4A1 : (((P) == 7) ? COM4B1 : (((P) == 8) ? COM4C1 : \
(((P) == 46) ? COM5A1 : (((P) == 45) ? COM5B1 : COM5C1))))))))))))))
#if !defined(digitalWriteFast)
#define digitalWriteFast(P, V) \
if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) { \
if (digitalPinToTimer(P)) \
bitClear(*digitalPinToTimer(P), digitalPinToTimerBit(P)); \
bitWrite(*digitalPinToPortReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P), (V)); \
} else { \
digitalWrite((P), (V)); \
#if !defined(pinModeFast)
#define pinModeFast(P, V) \
if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) { \
bitWrite(*digitalPinToDDRReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P), (V)); \
} else { \
pinMode((P), (V)); \
#if !defined(digitalReadFast)
#define digitalReadFast(P) ( (int) __digitalReadFast__((P)) )
#define __digitalReadFast__(P ) \
(__builtin_constant_p(P) ) ? ( \
digitalPinToTimer(P) ? ( \
bitClear(*digitalPinToTimer(P), digitalPinToTimerBit(P)) , \
bitRead(*digitalPinToPINReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P))) : \
bitRead(*digitalPinToPINReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P))) : \
#if !defined(digitalWriteFast2)
#define digitalWriteFast2(P, V) \
if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) { \
bitWrite(*digitalPinToPortReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P), (V)); \
} else { \
digitalWrite((P), (V)); \
#if !defined(pinModeFast2)
#define pinModeFast2(P, V) \
if (__builtin_constant_p(P) && __builtin_constant_p(V)) { \
if (digitalPinToTimer(P)) \
bitClear(*digitalPinToTimer(P), digitalPinToTimerBit(P)); \
bitWrite(*digitalPinToDDRReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P), (V)); \
} else { \
pinMode((P), (V)); \
#if !defined(digitalReadFast2)
#define digitalReadFast2(P) ( (int) __digitalReadFast2__((P)) )
#define __digitalReadFast2__(P ) \
(__builtin_constant_p(P) ) ? ( \
( bitRead(*digitalPinToPINReg(P), digitalPinToBit(P))) ) : \
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
This program uses an Arduino for a closed-loop control of a DC-motor.
Motor motion is detected by a quadrature encoder.
Two inputs named STEP and DIR allow changing the target position.
Serial port prints current position and target position every second.
Serial input can be used to feed a new location for the servo (no CR LF).
Pins used:
Digital inputs 2 & 8 are connected to the two encoder signals (AB).
Digital input 3 is the STEP input.
Analog input 0 is the DIR input.
Digital outputs 9 & 10 control the PWM outputs for the motor (I am using half L298 here).
Please note PID gains kp, ki, kd need to be tuned to each different setup.
#include <PinChangeInt.h>
#include <PinChangeIntConfig.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
//#include <PID_AutoTune_v0.h>
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2;
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PC0;
#define M1 6
#define M2 5 // motor's PWM outputs
double kp=4,ki=100,kd=0.02;
double input=80, output=0, setpoint=180;
PID myPID(&input, &output, &setpoint,kp,ki,kd, DIRECT);
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long target1=0; // destination location at any moment
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
PCintPort::attachInterrupt(encoder0PinB, doEncoderMotor0,CHANGE); // now with 4x resolution as we use the two edges of A & B pins
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep , RISING); // step input on interrupt 1 - pin 3
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111000 | 1; // set Hz PWM
Serial.begin (115200);
//Setup the pid
void loop(){
input = encoder0Pos;
// interpret received data as an integer (no CR LR): provision for manual testing over the serial port
if(Serial.available()) target1=Serial.parseInt();
// if(millis() % 3000 == 0) target1=random(2000); // that was for self test with no input from main controller
void pwmOut(int out) {
if(out<0) { analogWrite(M1,0); analogWrite(M2,abs(out)); }
else { analogWrite(M2,0); analogWrite(M1,abs(out)); }
const int QEM [16] = {0,-1,1,2,1,0,2,-1,-1,2,0,1,2,1,-1,0}; // Quadrature Encoder Matrix
static unsigned char New, Old;
void doEncoderMotor0(){
Old = New;
New = (PINB & 1 )+ ((PIND & 4) >> 1); //
encoder0Pos+= QEM [Old * 4 + New];
void countStep(){ if (PINC&B0000001) target1--;else target1++; } // pin A0 represents direction
@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
This program uses an Arduino for a closed-loop control of a DC-motor.
Motor motion is detected by a quadrature encoder.
Two inputs named STEP and DIR allow changing the target position.
Serial port prints current position and target position every second.
Serial input can be used to feed a new location for the servo (no CR LF).
Pins used:
Digital inputs 2 & 8 are connected to the two encoder signals (AB).
Digital input 3 is the STEP input.
Analog input 0 is the DIR input.
Digital outputs 9 & 10 control the PWM outputs for the motor (I am using half L298 here).
Please note PID gains kp, ki, kd need to be tuned to each different setup.
#include <PinChangeInt.h>
#include <PinChangeIntConfig.h>
#include <PID_v1.h>
#include <PID_AutoTune_v0.h>
#define encoder0PinA 2 // PD2;
#define encoder0PinB 8 // PC0;
#define M1 6
#define M2 5 // motor's PWM outputs
byte ATuneModeRemember=2;
double kp=5,ki=300,kd=0.02;
double input=80, output=0, setpoint=180;
PID myPID(&input, &output, &setpoint,kp,ki,kd, DIRECT);
volatile long encoder0Pos = 0;
double kpmodel=1.5, taup=100, theta[50];
double outputStart=5;
double aTuneStep=50, aTuneNoise=1, aTuneStartValue=100;
unsigned int aTuneLookBack=20;
boolean tuning = true;
unsigned long modelTime, serialTime;
PID_ATune aTune(&input, &output);
long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time LED was updated
long target1=0; // destination location at any moment
//for motor control ramps 1.4
bool newStep = false;
bool oldStep = false;
bool dir = false;
void setup() {
pinMode(encoder0PinA, INPUT);
pinMode(encoder0PinB, INPUT);
PCintPort::attachInterrupt(encoder0PinB, doEncoderMotor0,CHANGE); // now with 4x resolution as we use the two edges of A & B pins
attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderMotor0, CHANGE); // encoder pin on interrupt 0 - pin 2
attachInterrupt(1, countStep , RISING); // step input on interrupt 1 - pin 3
TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111000 | 1; // set Hz PWM
Serial.begin (115200);
//Setup the pid
void loop(){
input = encoder0Pos;
// interpret received data as an integer (no CR LR): provision for manual testing over the serial port
if(Serial.available()) target1=Serial.parseInt();
// if(millis() % 3000 == 0) target1=random(2000); // that was for self test with no input from main controller
byte val = (aTune.Runtime());
if (val!=0)
tuning = false;
{ //we're done, set the tuning parameters
kp = aTune.GetKp();
ki = aTune.GetKi();
kd = aTune.GetKd();
Serial.print("kp: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKp());Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("ki: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKi());Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("kd: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKd());Serial.println();
//send-receive with processing if it's time
void changeAutoTune()
//Set the output to the desired starting frequency.
tuning = true;
{ //cancel autotune
tuning = false;
void AutoTuneHelper(boolean start)
ATuneModeRemember = myPID.GetMode();
void SerialSend()
Serial.print("setpoint: ");Serial.print(setpoint); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("input: ");Serial.print(input); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("output: ");Serial.print(output); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println("tuning mode");
} else {
Serial.print("kp: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKp());Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("ki: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKi());Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("kd: ");Serial.print(myPID.GetKd());Serial.println();
void SerialReceive()
char b =;
if((b=='1' && !tuning) || (b!='1' && tuning))changeAutoTune();
void pwmOut(int out) {
if(out<0) { analogWrite(M1,0); analogWrite(M2,abs(out)); }
else { analogWrite(M2,0); analogWrite(M1,abs(out)); }
const int QEM [16] = {0,-1,1,2,1,0,2,-1,-1,2,0,1,2,1,-1,0}; // Quadrature Encoder Matrix
static unsigned char New, Old;
void doEncoderMotor0(){
Old = New;
New = (PINB & 1 )+ ((PIND & 4) >> 1); //
encoder0Pos+= QEM [Old * 4 + New];
void countStep(){ if (PINC&B0000001) target1--;else target1++; } // pin A0 represents direction
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